Happy New Year everyone! Another year has come and gone and I wanted to do a post looking back on my highlights from 2015 but also some goals, both personal and blogging, that I would like to achieve in 2016.
In January of 2015 my best friend and I set up a business together called L&B Bakes. Since then we have received a grant from our local council and we are hoping to re-brand in the new year! If you want to read more, I wrote a post here all about our journey. I also became Head Girl at my school which was a complete shock and a real honour and I was really proud of getting an A in my GCSE Music because music is really important to me. Talking about music, at the end of 2015 I auditioned for a place in CSYO (City of Sheffield Youth Orchestra) and I get accepted. Over this Christmas break I attend my first course with them and a few nights ago I did my first concert which was amazing. I am looking forward to all the exciting things I will do with them in 2016.
In 2015 I was lucky enough to have some of the most amazing experiences and one of my absolute highlights was going to see Taylor Swift in her 1989 World Tour in Manchester. It was phenomenal and is a night I will never ever forget. Also I went to St.Andrews for my Uncles wedding which was a really special trip and a wonderful time spent with my closet family. I would love to go back St Andrews sometime soon because it a beautiful place. In October half term I went away with my family to a gorgeous cottage in Suffolk where we enjoyed the countryside, played games and just relaxed as a family. We also took a day trip to Cambridge where I met up with some friends and it is one of my highlights of the Cambridge is one of my favourite places in the world and one day I would love to live there.
Post More Frequently I know I have been slack in the last few months but I want to work hard to try and get 3/4 posts up a month. Writing a post is way in which I can relax and I want to take advantage of this more, not only for my readers but it is really satisfying hitting publish on a new post.
Work with more Bloggers and Brands I don't mean this is a way to get 'freebies' from brands but often I find that blogging can get a little lonely, that is one of the reasons why I have large breaks and run out of motivations. I think I would find it more interesting to work with other brands and bloggers as it would give me more motivation to blog.
Work Hard for my GCSE's This year I am in year 11 and the summer exams seem to be getting closer and closer. Before Christmas I worked my socks off in my first set off mocks so I have given myself some time off over Christmas but as soon as I go back to school, I will be in full work and revision mode again. I would love to achieve my predicted grades by working extremely hard up until I have finished all my exams ( then I can relax over a long summer!).
Read More Over the Christmas break I have read two books which is a lot for me and I think I have rediscovered my love for reading. I have found it so relaxing and I love emerging myself into a story and getting involved in the characters lives. If you have any book recommendations, I would love to hear them. I have a couple that I want to read from David Nichols but after that I am not sure. My goal is to read at least two books a month and I am hoping that I stick to it because I want to make more time in my busy days to read.
Write a Line a Day For Christmas I received one of the One Line A Day books and the idea is that you write a short line, sentence, quote, something someone said or an idea everyday for five years. I have, like most people, have attempted to keep a daily journal but I always never know what to write. However something like this should be more fun because you only have to write a very short line rather than trying to write paragraphs and paragraphs like in a journal. Also I think it will be so fun to look back in three years time to see what I have written.
Practise Two Hours Per Week Music is extremely important to me and for those who don't know I play the French Horn. This year I would love to get closer to being able to take my Grade 8 Horn and by practising more a week then I hope to get closer to my goal.
Make More Friends This year I will be going off to Sixth Form when I finish Year 11 and I will be going on more music courses throughout the year and I really want to try hard to make friends with as many new people as possible.
So these are all my goals for the coming year. I am really excited for everything 2016 will bring and I hope you all have a great year. Let me know what your goals are for 2016!
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MissBeccaBeauty xo