
Sunday 12 April 2015

My favourite things to do on a Sunday

Sundays are one of my favourite days of the week because it is the only morning I get to have a lie in and I love spending time with family and friends. But they are also bitter sweet because it means the weekend is nearly over and its back to school the next day. I have a list of things that I like to do on a Sunday

Watch films- I especially love watching musicals or classics that I can watch with my family.
Bake- I love baking cakes but don't always have time during the week, so on a Sunday I like to make time in the afternoon to bake.
Writing blog posts- during the week I am usually bombed down with lots of school work and music practise so don't always find lots of time during the week to write posts. Sunday mornings are my favourite time to sit down and write.
Browsing online stores- I can get lost in the depths of online stores like New Look or Asos and can have a basket full of 20 things that I don't buy but just enjoy lusting after.
Binge watch my current TV show- After finishing PLL I felt a bit sad so started a new series on Netflix called Silk. It is a British TV show about lawyers and barristers and, as well as being quite an eye opener to the world of law, the plot and story line is really interesting.
Catching up on blogs- there are some blogs that I read daily (ViviannaDoesMakeup, LilyPebbles and FromRoses) but often my bloglovin feed won't get a look at until Sunday evening. Also after the #bbloggers chat on Sunday night, I usually have a nice list of blogs to read!
Taking my time in the morning- most mornings I have to rush doing my hair and makeup and will throw on either my school uniform or whatever I can grab quickly. But on a Sunday morning I like to take advantage of being able to take my time doing my makeup and putting an outfit together without having to watch the clock.
Spending quality family time- this is probably the most important thing about Sundays and I look forward to having a family lunch together and doing things with my family.
What are your favourite things to do on a Sunday?
MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. I always have a good blog catch up on a sunday evening, nice cup of tea and my laptop!
    Love Vicki |

  2. These are all my favourite sunday things too! Love lifestyle posts like this!
    Rachel Coco


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MissBeccaBeauty xo