
Sunday 22 February 2015

Six TV Shows To Watch On Netflix

For about two years now I have had Netflix and I am completely hooked. I love that it is only £6 per month and you get access to lots of movies and TV shows, I might even go as far as to say I could probably go without out Sky box subscription because of Netflix. Due to the vast amount of shows just a click away on Netflix, I have watched a lot of TV shows so I thought I would give you a run down of my favourites that I would recommended.

PRETTY LITTLE LIARS// Recently I have been completely binge watching PLL and it has become one of my favourite T shows. The show is about a girl who goes missing and the friends she’s left behind. It’s a mystery/thriller that is easy watching with some light suspense thrown in. Sometimes the plot is unrealistic at times but I love the characters, especially Spencer and Hannah, and the relationships between people. At the moment I am about to watch the season finale of season 4, which is getting pretty tense at the moment, and I just can't wait to see who the 'real' A is.

EDUCATING ESSEX AND YORKSHIRE//I don't know why but I love these documentaries. I find them so fascinating and interesting to see what other high schools are like. Some episodes are quite shocking but also some things don't surprise me. Because I am from Yorkshire, I find the Educating Yorkshire hilarious and so funny at the way people act. It's a good one to watch and also very eye-opening.

GOSSIP GIRL// Last year I was hooked on Gossip Girl. Netflix has all 6 seasons on and I have watched all the seasons twice. Once they revealed who GG was, which was the worst revealing ever, it was then so obvious and I was kicking myself for not realising it sooner. They basically give it away in the first 2 minuets of the very first episode. I love Blair and Chucks relationship throughout all the seasons and part of me wishes I had a Chuck Bass in my life!

THE GOOD WIFE// The Good Wife is an American legal and political drama about a women who works as a lawyer in a huge law firm. Each episode focuses on a different court case and I even went through a phase of wanting to be a lawyer because of this show! The 5th and 6th season and the best in my opinion as the plot takes a huge twist and the 5th season ends on such a big cliff-hanger!
VAMPIRE DIARIES// There are 5 seasons of Vampire Diaries on Netflix and the 6th season is on TV at the moment. It is quite a teen girl choice but the general gist is about 2 vampire brothers who both fall in love with a human girl in high school. There are also some witches, werewolves, hybrids and original vampires thrown into the mix with some surprising plot twists. I do think the earlier seasons are more exciting and interesting than season 5 and 6 but nether the less it is a great show.
THE ORIGINALS// The Originals is a spin off from the Vampire Diaries and is based on the lives of the original vampires. In some ways I think The Originals is better than Vampire Diaries as the characters are more engaging (especially Klaus!) and the plot is so clever. You probably need to watch Vampire Diaries first though to be able to understand what is happening.
What are your favourite shows to watch on Netflix and what are currently binge watching?

MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. I'm watching Gossip Girl at the moment and am on season 2, it's brilliant! I love TVD and The Originals as well. X

    1. Gossip Girl is great and it gets so much better in the later seasons xx

  2. I love Gossip Girl and Orange Is The New Black x

    1. I've heard good things about Orange is the new black, it's on my to-watch list!! xx

  3. I'm currently on season three of pretty little liars and I'm addictedI also started watching gossip girl last week which is really good!
    Alice x

  4. I love Netflix. Have watched Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries and The Originals. I'm now trying to watch Gossip Girls but not quite into it yet (on 1st season). x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  5. I'm definitely with your with PLL and the good wife! I also like white collar x
    han // emandhan xo


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MissBeccaBeauty xo