
Sunday 25 January 2015

Handbag Heroes

I do love a good What's In My Bag but I wanted to show you some of the little heroes that live in my handbag and make life easier.
Firstly I don't go anywhere without my sunglasses. I get really sensitive eyes and due to my allergies they often water when I am outside, so sunglasses help to hide that and shield the wind from my eyes. I usually just buy cheap Primark ones for a couple of pounds as I don't need subscription glasses and I am always losing or breaking mine so I opt for cheap and cheerful ones. For in case of an emergency I like to carry a small pack of wipes with me. You never know when something is going to need cleaning up or when you are going to need or want to wipe/refresh your hands. Keeping with refreshing yourself, my perfume bottle usually comes with me because I like to be able to spray this when I need a little boost. At the moment I am loving the white Hugo Boss perfume; I have the full size but I love the small bottle for traveling and going in my bag. My two essential beauty heroes have to be Carmex and my Revlon Lip Butter in Berry Smoothie. Whenever my lips are sore or dry I know that my Carmex will sort them out. Also Berry Smoothie is a great everyday shade that is very similar to my lips. It is great to throw on when I am out and about as it is so comfortable and moisturising on the lips. Finally I have one of my favourite things to carry in my bag which is my portable charger. For Christmas my mum gave me this portable charger and I don't know what I have done without one in my life. If you have an iPhone you will know that the battery life on these are rubbish, so a portable charger is essential if you need your phones battery to last all day.

What are your handbag heroes?

MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. Love my Carmex!

    1. Me too, I can't go anywhere without it in winter!

  2. Really interesting post. i fancy trying the HB perfume, have you done a full review, I must go and check. I also have a portable charger and do not know what I did before I had it.

    1. No haven't done a review but I have added it to my calendar so will let you know when it goes up! xx

  3. I love your sunglasses! My eyes are so sensitive too, so I have to carry mine all year round!

    Lauren x /

    1. It's a pain that my eyes are so sensitive... but at least I have an excuse to buy loads of pairs of sunglasses!!


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MissBeccaBeauty xo