
Thursday 1 January 2015

A new year, A new start

Hello 2015.  2014 was a rollercoaster year: really high highs and really low lows. But I have learnt a lot from the events this year including that 'everything happens for a reason' and 'things can only get better'. I really can't believe that another has passed, I feel like it was only yesterday that I was  Today is the start of a brand new year and I am so excited for everything that I going to happen in 2015. I am going to see Taylor Swift in concert with my best friend in June and words cannot describe how excited I am (eeekkkkk!). I'm not going be doing new year resolutions this year because I don't like the pressure of committing to them, however I have three goals for 2015.
1. DO MORE OF WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY// In 2014 I found myself doing things that didn't make me happy because I felt like I had to. This year I want to be able to say no to the things that I don't enjoy and choose to do things that really make me happy.
2. CREATE A SCRAPBOOK RECORDING MY FAVOURITE MEMORIES OF THE YEAR// I am always taking photos of things that happen but I never print them off, they just stay on my phone or laptop. So I wanted to create a scrapbook to record all of my memories throughout 2015. I have already bought my scrapbook however I am still waiting on the washi tape that I ordered before I can start scrapbooking.
3. MAKE HEALTHIER DECISIONS// I am not saying I am going to go on a diet because, lets face it, I won't be able to stick to it. However I think it would be nice if I decided to make healthier decisions such as eating nuts or pitta bread as a snack rather than crisps or chocolate.

What are you new years resolutions/ goals for 2015?

MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. Excellent goals - very realistic and doable. Thanks for sharing and happy new year xx

  2. These are some amazing goals, realistic but still worthwhile. Also have fun seeing Taylor Swift! I'm so jealous of you I'd do anything to go!
    Alice x

  3. Great goals - I like that you only chose a few, I think that's a lot more doable... I think I chose twenty or something like that haha! Wishing you all the best lovely x

    Lauren x


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MissBeccaBeauty xo