
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Three Things : Pinterest Loves

Pinterest is one of the my most used apps on my iPhone. It gets a lot of love and I can literally be sat there for hours and hours scrolling through my feed and looking at my favourite boards. Pinterest is one of my main sources for inspiration and whenever I am lacking motivation I turn to Pinterest!

INTERIOR INSPIRATION// When I was planning how to redecorate my bedroom, I found so many amazing pins on Pinterest that gave me a lot of inspiration. I have a whole board dedicated to how I want the interior in my dream house to be: very white, with accent colours and cool ways to display and store things. You can find the pin I have used above, here

QUOTES AND TYPOGRAPHY// I love reading endless quotes and sayings; there is something about them that make me feel motivated. My Quotes board literally has hundreds of quotes and sayings waiting for when I need a little reminder or a 'pick-me-up'! The quote 'When the answer is no, there's a better yes down the road', reminds me that everything happens for a reason and it helps me to accept no. You can find this pin here.

FASHION INSPIRATION// I am not the most fashionable person but fashion pins on Pinterest make me want to have a better fashion sense and wear cooler clothes. At the moment I am loving monochrome clothing and find lots of inspiration from celebrities; especially the Kardashians - but I am planning to do a whole post dedicated to them soon! This photo is a very classic representation of my wardrobe and an outfit I can see myself wearing. This pin here if you want to have a look. 

I would love it if you would leave your Pinterest accounts down below in the comments for me to have a look at. Also you can follow me here ( if you want to have a look at my boards and pins similar to the ones in the photo above!

MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. I love pinterest for the same reasons! Their fashion is impeccable and the quotes are super uplifting!
    Hope you have a good day <3
    xoxo, | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 

    1. Yeah I always get so much inspiration from Pinterest! xx


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MissBeccaBeauty xo