
Thursday 30 October 2014

You Know You Are A Beauty Blogger When...

I have been blogging now for a year and a half and in that time I have found myself doing things because I am a beauty blogger. A lot of the time I will use my blog as an excuse to buy makeup but there are other things I am guilty of doing as a result of being a beauty blogger. As a little disclaimer, I am just having a bit of fun in this post. If you don't do any of the things below, it doesn't make you any less of a beauty blogger. 

:: No matter how excited you are about a beauty product, you cannot even think about using it until you have photographed it.
:: You could happily spend hours in Boots or Superdrug swatching products and getting excited about all the new beauty launches.
:: You cringe when people say they only use face wipes to cleanse their face. You wouldn't ever take your makeup off with a face wipe because you know how bad it is for your skin.
:: Bloggers made you buy it. Come on, we are all guilty of going out and buying a beauty product just becuase your favourite blogger raved about it.
:: You spend most of your money on makeup. Forget clothes and shoes, I am always drawn to makeup counters and cannot help myself - especially when it is in pretty packaging. Every beauty bloggers weakness!
:: You makeup takes up most of the storage space in your room. Most girls are happy with a makeup bag or maybe a makeup case; but not beauty bloggers. We like to beautifully display our makeup and I take pride in my makeup collection and storage.
:: You are guilty of spending hours on eBay or online discount shops searching for the best beauty bargains. Also you scroll through page after page of beauty sale items.
:: Cleaning your makeup brushes becomes a pain but you have to do it if you want to wear makeup the next day. Alternatively you buy more brushes to avoid having to clean all the time.
:: You rarely finish a product and when you do, you feel like you should get a medal or something. Other girls will purchase something when they need it, however beauty bloggers hardly ever hit pan because there is always something else to try and review.
:: You find yourself coming up with reasons to justify buying another neutral eye shadow palette. Lets face it, there is something about neutral eye shadow palettes that keep beauty bloggers coming back for more. I think it is because they are so wearable and perfect for everyday.

Let me know if you are a beauty blogger and find yourself doing the same things as me!

I recently got Tumblr and Instagram. I'd love it if you would have a look and maybe give me a follow. Also leave your Tumblr and Instagram links for me to have a look at! 

MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. I am guilty of all but the ebay one - I never buy products from ebay as there are so many fakes on there. My worst is the neutral palettes - I admit it, I have a problem, I am a beauty blogger...

    1. Neutral palettes are my biggest weakness, they are all just so pretty! :) x

  2. Haha this is all so true! Especially 1, 3, 5, 9 and 10! I'm a sucker for a neutral palette xx

    Jasmine // Magpie Jasmine

    1. Me too, I just can't stop myself from buying them! xx

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Number one is so true, I currently have a whole bag of stuff and I want to use or even just swatch but can't until I can make time to take photo's of them :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. I am the same, the lighting is so bad at the moment so I am struggling to take good photos! xx

  5. Haha love this! Especially the not finishing products, it's so annoying having loads of barely used bits of makeup but still not being able to resist wanting more! And I'm so bad at the photography thing, I try and wait to take pictures but sometimes I get too excited and end up using it first haha!

    she dreams


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MissBeccaBeauty xo