
Sunday 1 June 2014

T&B Talks | Being Kind To Yourself

In this busy world we live in we are always 'go, go, go' and in the midst of all this we try to be good people and we try to kind to everyone but we sometimes forget to be kind to ourselves. There are days when we criticise our selves or beat ourselves up because we didn't finish that assignment within the time frame we gave ourselves or because we ate the extra big slice of cake. Here are some of the ways we can be kinder to ourselves.Too many times in life many of us get caught up in showing love, and being kind to others, that we sometimes forget to show love and to be kind to our own selves. I realise that I am not always 100% kind to myself. There are many days that I am mean,but not to other people,to myself. That then reflects on how I am with other people and how my day goes. But I am trying a lot harder to be happier and more nicer to people so that starts with myself. I have really gotten into the idea of self-love and I'm trying to practice it, so here are some tips that I think will help me and hopefully you to be kinder to yourself as well.

-Becca's Tips

Set achievable goals
When I achieve a goal I have set my self it really lifts my self esteem and confidence, it makes me feel good about what I am doing and as a result I feel happier. But there is no point setting impossible goals you know you will struggle to achieve, because when you don't reach them you will feel really disheartened and will more likely beat yourself up about it.

Reward yourself when you Achieve goals
Rewarding yourself is a really easy way to be kind to yourself and that way you are working hard but also allowing yourself to have a treat. For example when I am studying I will set my self a goal of working solid for 30 mins and when I do that I will reward myself by having a 5-10 minuet tea break or I will allow myself to go on Twitter for 5 minuets.

Let go of things you can't change
You cannot change what has happened in the past, nor can you control what is going to happen in the future. So don't stress yourself out by dwelling on things you can't change. Trust me I know from experience that dwelling on the past/future will just eat you up and really stress you out. So give yourself a break and concentrate on what is happening right now.

Don't compare yourself to other
Everyone is unique and we are all our own person. We can't beat everyone at everything and there are always people who are going to be more talented than us or have shinier skin than us and that is okay. But is is not okay to then start comparing ourselves to these people.

Take it easy
Sometimes we all need a break and the best way to do that is book a date in your dairy, stay in all day and chill. Watch some movies, catch up on your favourite TV show and do all the things you find relaxing!

-Tara's Tips

Invest Time In Yourself
Investing time in yourself is the best investment you will ever do. It will give you time to understand yourself, what you like and need and how you get these things; which will make you happier.

Let small things make you happy
This may not be easy to start doing, but once you start letting small things make you happy, you'll find something every day to make happy which will just make you a happy person all together.

Un-stress the night before
This will make you feel better going to bed and then waking up and if you wake up in a better mood your day will be better all together.

Be your own best-friend
A best friend is someone that helps you and supports you, So why not be your own best friend! You don't have to rely on someone else to make you laugh or smile. When your it yourself!

Take a laugh break
Everything is better when your laughing, you can't be mad when your laughing. Try it. Honestly you'll feel better.

MissBeccaBeauty xo

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MissBeccaBeauty xo