
Tuesday 10 June 2014

Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat Review

If you read my blog regularly then you will know I love nail polish and painting my nails. I tend to do my nails every 2 days as painting my nails is really relaxing for me and I use this as my 'down time' before bed. Since getting into my nail polish obsession I have found that waiting for my nails to dry can be a little annoying when you want to get on with things, or in my case go to bed. This top coat is hyped up a lot of blogs and I saw this on eBay for around £5 and nabbed it quickly and I was so happy when I finally got it.

For the first use I could tell that I had fallen in love with it and I knew that I would never find another top coat as good as this. I was astonished at the high shine finish of my nails, I am a glossy girl though and though and never liked matte nails, so for me I was so happy with the amazing finish. The glossy finish also lasts on your nails the whole time you have them on and it doesn't fade like I find some other polishes do. I also couldn't get my head around how fast my nails dried. I applied a layer of this on top of two layers of polish and within about 5 minutes my nails were completely dry: I could run my fingers through my hair, rummage in my bag make a cup of tea. There were no chips or smudges which is amazing! I find that it doesn't make my polish stay on longer than any other top coat I have tried, but I am always changing up my nails nearly every other day so it doesn't really matter to me that much. Also I would say it is slightly annoying that the brush doesn't reach the bottom, I don't know what I am going to do when I get to that stage. If you have any tips they would be much appreciated! 

Overall I love that this top coat gives my nails a really glossy finish that looks like gel nails and that it makes my nails dry s quickly. The down side is that it doesn't make my polish last longer than an average top coat but like I mentioned this isn't really a priority for me as I change my nails very regularly. Let me know what you think about the Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat!

MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. This sounds really good. I have no patience when it comes to drying nails and always smudging them. x

    1. You will love this then if that is the case, this is amazing at drying your nails super fast and means you are less likely to smudge them!

  2. I absolutely LOVE Seche Vite and how glossy it makes my nails.. It makes them look like they could be gel nails, and I also love how quick it dries them. The only thing I hate is how quickly the bottle gets gloopy, after only half way through :( xx

    1. I know the gloopy bottle is such a let down x

  3. Ahh I absoloutely love Seche vite , I just can't ever be without it now, I've home through bottles and bottles of the stuff over the years! Your right it makes your mani so glossy like a gel effect almost, love the blog :)


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MissBeccaBeauty xo