
Saturday 28 June 2014

Becca's Blogger of the Month : Sarah

I love doing these posts where talk about my favourite bloggers, at the moment I am loving Sarah from Sarah Smiles. She has recently created her own YouTube channel and I love watching her videos on a Saturday morning. They are chatty, original and it feels like she is a friend having a conversation with you! I can't bot mention how AMAZING her super colourful and original her blog design is. Anyway that's enough rambling from me, here is a little interview from Sarah! 

What inspired you to start blogging?
I started blogging due to reading other peoples blogs. I have always been massively creative and have always had an outlet. However, since coming to university, I just didn't have anything to do where I could express myself. I didn't join any of my favourite societies, such as dance, which I absolutely love because I was too scared and the thought of meeting new people made me too anxious. Rather than do nothing, I decided to start blogging and now here I am!

How much has you blog changed and developed since you first started?
My blog has changed so much. It really started in August 2013, but I rarely posted and it was all nail art. I relaunched my blog in February of this year and I now write about everything from beauty, nails and fashion to lifestyle, advice and personal issues. I have even branched into YouTube and now make two videos a week!

What is your all time favourite post you have ever written?
My favourite post has to be my 'Dare To Fail' post. It was my first ever Saturday Chatter and it got such a positive response. It was super motivating and everyone really understood and appreciated the message behind it, so it really did go down well. It was from that initial response that made me realise that the Saturday Chatter segment was one that had to stay!

Where would you like to see you and your blog in 5 years time?
4) In five years time I would like to be blogging, vlogging and designing full time. I guess that's the dream most of us have, we all want to be able to live off our hobby. I want my hobby to be my job and I am more determined than ever to try and make it happen! Although it isn't about numbers, its something I can't imagine myself not doing, so it'd be perfect to make a career from it. I do have a plan B though for when I graduate! 

What is your number one top tip for blogging, for any bloggers seeking advise or for those bloggers starting out?
My number one tip is to stay true to yourself. Blog about what you want to, don't be something you think people want you to be, just be you. If you are passionate about a topic, that will come through in the content. As long as you love what you are writing about, that's all that matters!

Miss Becca Beauty xo


  1. lovely post! nice to see you sharing the blog love

    from helen at

    1. Thank you! I read so many blogs that I love and I live sharing them every month! xx

  2. Great post! I love her blog it always makes me smile when I visit it, and also her YouTube channel! :)

    Feankie x

    1. Yeah! She is so lovely and genuine :) x


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MissBeccaBeauty xo