
Thursday 29 May 2014

May Favourites 2014

It's that time of the month again where I share with you my highlight products of the month. Some of these are old loves that I have re-discovered and some are new that have made it into my everyday routine. I have got reviews on most of these products but I have to talk about them again because I have used them so much this month and couldn't not give them another little mention!

I reviewed the Liz Earle Signature Foundation sometime last year and when I was writing about it I had a very mixed view on it. I loved the packaging, and still do, and the colour range. But it is a very matte foundation and when I reviewed it, this was the first matte foundation I had used so the finish was quite strange and new to me. Now I love wearing this matte foundation. My skin can get quite oily and shiny in summer but when I wear this matte foundation I find the shininess isn't as obvious. Usually in summer people prefer dewy, glowing foundation but for me this matte one has overtaken all of my other foundations and I think I have worn it everyday this month. 

Another old love that I have rediscovered is the Soap and Glory Thick and Fast mascara. When I started out blogging last year this mascara was the only one I used and was by far my favourite. There was an offer in one of the magazines and this mascara was the freebie inside. I bought so many of the magazines and freebies because I was obsessed with this stuff. I did a full review here, but basically this is a great all round mascara. It gives me really thick lashes and if you apply a couple of coats you can achieve a fairly long look. This month I found this mascara hidden in the back of my collection and brought it out so I could use it again. Throughout May I have been pretty much using this on a daily basis. 

The Maybelline Colour Tattoo has become a firm favourite of mine. These are talked a lot about in the blogging world, so I won't waffle on too much. But basically they are a cream eye shadow that you can use on their own or as a base for other eye shadows. Most of the time I will use this on it's own as it is so quick and easy to apply. I basically just apply a bit of the product onto my lids just using my fingers and sometimes I will blend it out with a fluffy brush if it needs it. This will last on your eyes all day and it doesn't even smudge or rub off. I did a full review here if you fancy a read. 

I like to look after my skin and I actually quite enjoy doing my skincare routine every morning and night. The latest edition to my evening skincare routine is the Beauty Lab Overnight Repair Beauty Cream. I did a review on it last month and since then my love for it has grown. I use this every night and since using this I feel like my skin is more hydrated and I can definitely see an improvement in my skin. The packaging is really classy and expensive and it looks really good displayed in my bathroom!! 

As for my nail polish favourite, this month it isn't a colour is is a top coat: The Seche Vite Top Coat. I have loved painting my nails for about a year now and I do find it really relaxing to wait and let my nails dry. But we live in a super busy 'get-up-and-go' world where sitting still for 20 minuets to let your nails dry is very unrealistic when we have so many other things to do. Anna from ViviannaDoesMakeup raved about this on her blog a lot and when I saw this on eBay for about £5 I bought it. After 5 minuets of applying my nails are dry and it leaves them with a really thick and glossy finish. I use this every time I paint my nails!

MissBeccaBeauty xo

P.S. It's my birthday today and I am so EXCITED!!! 


  1. really need to get that foundation!

    from helen at

    ps. you can win £250+ worth of beauty products on my blog if you're interested! click here.

    1. You do it's amazing!!! Wow your giveaway sounds amazing! I will definitely enter

  2. I love the Maybelline colour tatoos :)
    Great blog!

    Fashionalatic Blog

    1. Me too, I really want to try some more from the range. Thank you!


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MissBeccaBeauty xo