
Saturday 1 March 2014

Hello March 2013

Hey Peeps,

February was a pretty cool month for me: I got to spend time with great friends, go to France and Harry Potter World and my dad took the whole half term week off so it was great to spend the whole week together as a family. March is another busy month for me. Next Thursday my school is having a World Book Day celebration where we have to come to school dressed as a book character and then next Friday we are having a cinema trip as the whole school. In 2 weeks i am going to a horn group called Opera North and i am looking forward to playing music for the day. I also have a Christening in London which I am really looking forward to. At the end of the month I am taking part in my first ever music competition called Music For Youth. I have never taken part in a music competition before and I am really nervous. I am playing in a group with 4 other Horn players and one boys actually composed this piece for us to play. There are quite a few elimination rounds but I am not really too sure how the whole process works.

About 2 weeks ago one of blogging friends Tara, from Perfectly Imperfect Beauty, approached me about a new idea she had to start a feature on each of our blogs where we talk about issues, topics, quotes and anything that inspires us to share it with you. Tara and I have talked in the past and shared advise on lifestyle inspiration posts, so I thought it was a great idea and since i stopped Wednesday Word just before Christmas, this seemed like the perfect time to start something new. It is going to be called T&B Talks and we will post on the first Wednesday of every month; starting on Monday 3rd March.

When March come knocking at our doors I think it is officially Spring, winter is gone and so are the dark nights, movies in front of the fire and hot chocolate before bed. But I am okay with that because Spring means pretty flowers, brighter days and wearing cute pastels. What do you love most about Spring?

MissBeccaBeauty xo
Where else to find me:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great post doll, has put me in the mood for spring. Sounds like you had a lovely month :)x

    The Belle Narrative

    1. Thank you, I am so excited for spring now too! xx


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MissBeccaBeauty xo