
Sunday 16 March 2014

Becca's Blogger of the Month : Lucy Marie

 Hey Peeps,
For March's blogger of the month I have Lucy Marie, a British blogger who loves fashion, Disney and photography. I have been reading Lucy's blog pretty much since she started out and I also discovered she has a YouTube channel. Her videos are always really down to earth, well put together and her video quality and editing are so cool. Lucy and I have talked a bit on twitter and she is honestly such a lovely genuine person. Her blog is very girly but also really cool; I love her monthly wish lists and one of her recent posts on Vanessa Hudgens style. Here is the interview I did with Lucy, I hope you enjoy!
What inspired you to start blogging?
I read one or two blogs for a few months before and felt like it would be something really productive to do in my free time. It wasn’t until I actually started writing my own that I discovered the entire ‘Blogger Community’. In general it was due to my love for fashion and the inspiration just grew from there.

How much has your blog changed and developed since you first started blogging?
My first ever Blog was called Pretty Paper Dolly. I made it anonymously because I was to scared to write as myself. I then moved onto Loves of Lucy half a year later with a brand new URL, audience, content and design. I feel like I have gained some experience throughout HTML and Blog design since starting and little changes have been made here and there. I definitely think that my fashion style has changed since I began too, so my Blog has kind of adapted to that. My writing style has definitely got a little more personal - it’s great because it’s like having an online diary that anyone can see.. scary actually, haha.

What is your all time favourite post you have written?
A few months back I posted a hair tutorial on how to master the fishtail-braid. I had fun with the editing and thoroughly enjoyed writing it. I also love wish list posts - what can I say? I’m a shopaholic!

Where would you like to see you and your blog in 5 years time?
Ooh, it’s so hard to predict, I’d be almost 22 by then! I write my Blog only as a hobby in my free time and couldn’t see myself Blogging as a career so I hope it is somewhere for me to head to after Uni or work. I do hope me and my Blog are still hand in hand (or finger on keyboard per-say) because it is somewhere for me to share everything I love with people with the same interests as me.

What is your number one top tip for blogging, for any bloggers seeking advise or for those bloggers starting out?
I definitely recommend just having fun with it! Write about anything you like and don’t just stick to one theme -  what’s great about Blogs is that there are no limits (in reason) so use that to your advantage and write about anything you are interested in. I also think you shouldn’t focus on numbers and stats because an audience will come in time.
Fab questions Becca!

MissBeccaBeauty xo 
Where else to find me:


  1. Thanks so much Becca! The little paragraph at the start is very sweet. Your Blog is one of my favourites! Loved answering the questions too. xx

    1. Your welcome and thank you that's so sweet! Xx


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MissBeccaBeauty xo