
Wednesday 15 January 2014

Love Yourself First

Hey Peeps,

Loving yourself can often be seen as being vein and really self absorbed but I think it is important to love yourself. With it being the start of a new year, most people have made new years resolutions about an aspect of themselves they want to change or improve; and I think that is great. But what is not great is feeling bad about yourself or as though you are not good enough and that is why you have created these resolutions. Also don't beat yourself up if you have already failed your new year resolution; you know what it doesn't matter. You are perfect the way you are and breaking you resolution doesn't make you any less fabulous. I made some resolutions this year and so far I have kept to them, but if one day next week or next month or in October I break it; it wont be the end of  the world.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought "I look fat today", "My hair is awful" or "My skin is so spotty there is no way I can walk out of the house"? Everyone has done it and I for one am guilty of these things. But I have come to realise that I don't care if I am slightly over weight or if I wear my hair in a bun everyday for school because I cant be bothered to do anything fancy with it. I am not going to go on some crazy diet where I starve myself just to look skinnier or wear "fashionable" clothes that I think actually look disgusting. I am happy with myself just the way I am
What I am trying to get at is that no body is perfect, but we are ourselves and nobody can take that away from us. We should love ourselves because there is only one of us in the whole entire world and we should value ourselves exactly as we are. Before we can start to improve ourselves and make changes in our lives we need to learn to fully love ourselves and be happy in our own mind and body. Then we can look at ourselves and think honestly what we can do to be better and then who knows everything might change!

MissBeccaBeauty xo
Where else to find me:


  1. I love this!nIt's so true and you wrote it so well :)
    Alice x

    1. Thank you! I am glad you loved this as I really enjoyed writing itxxx

  2. Very true, we should all learn to love ourselves. I have nominated you for the Leibster Award :)


  3. This is very sweet! Love all of your inspiration posts Becca! xxx

    1. Thank you Lucy, they are my favourite posts to write as I love getting things off my chest and sharing advise that may help others! I am glad you love them :D xxx


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MissBeccaBeauty xo