
Tuesday 24 December 2013

My Christmas Eve Traditions | Blogmas Day 24

1 sleep till Christmas

Hey Peeps,

This is the last day of Blogmas, aw I am sad it has come to an end because I really enjoyed doing it for the first time. It was hard, don't get me wrong, but I am proud of myself for posting every day and I am pleased I managed to stick to it! I will be post over the Christmas holiday, though I am planning on having a little break and posting as and when I like and not have a schedule. My normal schedule will resume in January but I am not sure whether I will carry on with posting Monday, Wednesday and Saturday or if I should change it up a bit... let me know what you think!

Every family big or small have their own traditions around Christmas time and I want to share with you my Christmas Eve traditions. For most of the day we watch as many Christmas films as we possibly can and we normally have an early tea around 4 because we go to Christmas Eve mass. I love Christmas eve mass because it is always lit by candle light, it is full to bursting with young children and everyone joins in singing the traditional Christmas carols I am a huge sucker for. After mass we always go out for drinks with our family friends. I love this because I don't live near my family so they are like my family and Christmas is about spending time with your family. We exchange gifts and when I was younger I didn't like staying too long because I wanted to get home to bed so Christmas day would come quicker.
After drinks, we head home and begin my favourite part of our Christmas eve traditions. As a family we go up into the attic and get down the stockings and sacks ready for Santa to put all of our presents in them. Then we all take out stockings and choose a place in the living room where we want to sit when we open our presents and we leave our sacks there. On Christmas eve my dad cooks the ham and as there is always loads, we have some ham and homemade bread before bed. My mum is iris and she always had ham as a child so we like to keep up that tradition. After we then prepare a snack for Fr. Christmas, usually we leave out milk, some biscuits and some carrots. If he is lucky, he will get a small glass of alcohol.
What are your Christmas traditions and how did they come about to be traditions? Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you have a good one...
 MissBeccaBeauty xo
Where else to find me:

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  1. A big well done for completing Blogmas! I did it and despite how tough it was, I'm sad to say goodbye to it! Gorgeous post! I really enjoyed reading it! (Sorry about all of the exclamation marks!)


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MissBeccaBeauty xo