
Monday 2 September 2013

Hello September & Back To School Adive/ChitChat

Hey Peeps,
When September comes knocking on my front door, my whole mind set changes. I am no longer in the "Summer Holiday" bubble, I start to seriously think about school for the upcoming year and it is a time when I set myself new goals and targets. For me September is like January; a time for a new fresh clean slate. I am looking forward to the upcoming academic year as it is my last year before I properly start my GCSE's. September is not only about a new school year but is also the start of autumn and my countdown to Christmas!!!! I love autumn. I love how the weather gets cooler, the sun sets sooner and the leaves turn colourful.
September Resolutions:
1.Try to be more organised. I tend to have a very messy desk and school bag so I would like to aim to tidy the things I use often on a Sunday night so I can have a de-cluttered mind set for the upcoming week.
2. Do my homework the night I get it. I am very good at doing my homework but not necessarily the night I get it, so sometimes I am rushing the night before to get it done and I know that it isn't my best piece of work.
3.Blog on a regular basis. This summer I have done very well blogging on a regular basis and I want to keep that up when I go back to school. There will be periods of time when I will have a lot on or get a lot of homework so I can't blog much. But I am hoping the majority of the time I can blog everyday or a least every other day.
4. Think twice before eating something. When I am hungry during the day I usually tend to eat a biscuit or a packet of crisps rather than reaching for an apple or a cracker. So I want to be more conscientious about what I eat.
5. Enjoy this school year and the upcoming seasons.
I know that this week and next week lots of people will be starting school or college again and I just have a few pieces of advise for any one who is starting a new school.
1.Have a positive mind set. You will never get anything out of school if you have a negative mind set because you will turn down any opportunity to experience great things in school. The best way to be happy at school is to wake up in the morning and think "if I make the effort I can have a good day at school". I know it can be hard to be enthusiastic about school but the best thing you can do is to try your best.
2. New friends won't come knocking at your door unless you put yourself out there. When I went to high school I came from a primary school where I was the only one that was going to high school. So on my first day I knew nobody in my year but I had to put myself out there to make friends. Good ways to put yourself out there is to join clubs and groups within school, teachers like to put people in seating plans so try to make conversation with the people around you in your classes and finally if you have a smile on your face people are going to be more inclined to come up to you and get to know you.
3. Get involved in school the school community. In 5 years time when you leave high school you want to be able to say that you took part in school competitions, school plays and school clubs. You don't want to be one of those people who simply show up to school but don't really show an interest in the school community.
What are you looking forward to this Autumn and new school year?
MissBeccaBeauty xo


  1. This is so right! Those tips are very helpful to those starting a new school!

    My stuff is also VERY messy :/ I need to clear mine out so i am prepared for the week ahead!

    Alice xx

  2. this has made me excited for autumn! and just the little things really, pumpkin spice lattes, big cosy jumpers, warm hugs etc. xx

    1. Haha I can't wait for autumn! I love the little things as well :)


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MissBeccaBeauty xo