
Thursday 4 June 2015

Review: T-Zone Products

I've you are a regular reader of my blog then you will know that I talk quite a lot about skincare on my blog. It is something that really interests me and I am always looking for new skincare products to try and test out. Most of my holy grail skincare products are high end so I have been searching for some cheaper alternatives that are still kind to my skin and that are kinder to my bank account! Recently I was contacted by the lovely people at T-Zone and they asked me if I was interested in trying some of their products. Of course I said yes because T-Zone is an affordable brand.
Both of these products are infused with tea tree and salicylic acid which are great ingredients for your skin. The only thing that I am not so keen on is the smell of these products as they smell quite strong of chemicals but I think that is just the heavy scent of tea tree that I can smell. In terms of combating spots, I started using this duo just before my time of the month. I was due to get some spots and before using these I noticed the start of a little breakout. However after a few days the spot heads had disappeared without me using any spot cream targeted on these areas, I noticed that no spots had fully developed so I think it is down to these two products working together.
SENSITIVE CLEANSING CREAM WASH// I personally like to use this face wash in the morning because it leaves my skin feeling really clean but not has though it has stripped all the natural oils out of my face. What I like about this product is that it comes out as a liquid cream but when you rub it into your face in circular motions it starts to turn into a foamy cream. It require minimal effort to apply, which is good as I like fuss free products in the morning, then I just use a hot cloth to remove the product. I find this cleanser cleans my face really well without leaving it feeling tight or dry. The product is 150ml and is in a plastic bottle with a flip top plastic tube that your then squeeze to release the product.
REFRESHING HYDRATING GEL-CREAM//  I use this after cleansing my face in the morning. It also has tea tree in it so I find the combination of both of them really helps my skin. The formula is really lightweight and even thought it is a gel it doesn't feel greasy on my skin. I will point out that it squeezes out of the tube really fast so only squeeze gently!
Have you tried any T-Zone products before? You can look at their website here if you fancy! What are your favourite drugstore skincare products?
-MissBeccaBeauty xo