
Saturday 28 September 2013

September Favourites

Hey Peeps,
I don't know what to say...this month has gone by so quickly I don't even know where the days have gone! I don't have many beauty products this time round, but have quite a few random favourites I want to share with you.
First up are my beauty items; I have mentioned the first two products quite a lot on my blog. Kate Moss Lipstick in 101, now this is a gorgeous everyday pretty pint lipstick that I can grantee goes with nearly every look. You can click here to read a review on it that I did a few weeks back. Also I want to mention the Rimmel Stay Matte powder, this is an amazing powder and I would recommend it as it works for every skin tone. I am not kidding I have been wearing this pretty much everyday. Again I did a review on this product so you can click here for a more in depth review. Recently I have been falling in love with MUA products, the way I think of it is that all their products are really cheap and cheerful. I am not a massive fan of their foundations or concealers as I feel the quality isn't good enough but for lipsticks, eyeshadows and blushes it is phenomenal. So this month I have been loving the MUA Cream Blusher in Scrummy, it is so creamy and pigmented and blends out really nicely. I will definitely be looking to try some more of their shades. My final beauty product is a nail vanish (surprise surprise). In my Autumn Beauty Trends 2013 (click here to read) post I mentioned how I wanted to buy a metallic nail vanish as metallic is on trend right now. I picked this one up on sale in Claires for £1! I wore this nail vanish for 5 days straight, it is so good!!!!
Now onto my random favourites...
First up is a book I read at the beginning of September. It is called the fault in our starts and for those of you who don't know it is about young people who suffer with different terminal illnesses and how they live their lives. They have such a positive and light-hearted view on life that it is so inspiring and I have to admit I cried at the end of the book. Go and read this book now. Next are some Stabilo pens that I bought from Sainsbury's for the start of school. They are so cute and pretty and I use them to write all my notes in planner. I have been using them pretty much every day and I love them so I though they deserved a mention. Finally I want to mention my diary. I have kept his diary to organise myself all year but this month it has been a life saver keeping me on top of homework and blog. Thank you diary!! Mine is a Cath Kidston one I got for Christmas and I am think of getting another for 2014.
So that is my September favourites done, I hope you have enjoyed this. I can't believe I just mentioned 2014, who else aggress that this year has gone too quickly! Don't for get to comment and follow me on my blog and on twitter if you aren't already.
MissBeccaBeauty xo
Where else to find me:

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 NOTD | Oh My That’s A Bright Orange!
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Wednesday 25 September 2013

Wednesdays Word || Greatness

Hey Peeps,
Greatness is something that everybody wants to achieve in life, we all want to be great at something whether it is in education, in a hobby, or in your carer. Good will never be good enough, we always want to be great.
For any of you who are bloggers, it can be really overwhelming when there are bloggers like SprinkleofGlitter and TheSundayGirl who have an extraordinary amount of dedicated followers and are known across the whole blogging community. And the trouble is sometimes I doubt myself and my blog when I look at these huge successful blogs. When I first started blogging I thought it would be really easy and I would quickly gain followers and recognition. But I couldn't have been more wrong. Having a blog is a LOT of work. For each post you need to plan, take photos, edit photos, write the content, edit the content and double check before you post. Not only that but you need to keep on top of social media and make sure you are interacting with as many bloggers as possible. This takes up a lot of time. Bearing in mind I am still in school, I have to juggle my blog and schoolwork; which let me tell you know isn't easy. Even though it is a lot of work, I love my blog very much and it is like my little baby!
Anyway the point of this is to say that to achieve greatness is life you need to work really hard and remember that greatness is never handed to you, nor will it come knocking on your front door. You have to earn it. My blog is only small compared to others out there, but one day with enough hard work and determination I hope that my  little blog will achieve even a tiny amount of greatness!!
If you have any suggestions of quotes you would like me to talk about then please feel free to leave them in the comments section!
MissBeccaBeauty xo
Where else to find me:

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Wednesdays Word || Someday
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Monday 23 September 2013

FOTD || Fresh Faced & Wide Awake

Hey Peeps,
Today I was in the mood to do a beauty post! This is one of my most natural makeup looks which I wear a lot, but I wouldn't call it my 'everyday makeup look'. If you would like to see a 'Everyday Makeup Look' post then just let me know in the comments or via twitter! I call this makeup look Fresh Faced & Wide Awake, as I think it makes my skin looks really healthy and fresh and wearing brown eyeliner really helps to make my eyes looks bigger and wider (like I have had 10 hours sleep when really I only got 7!!) Anyway this is what I am wearing on my face today:

Liz Earle Signature Foundation in 02 Ivory
Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder in 003 Peach Glow (click here to read my review on this powder)
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer
The Body Shop Shimmer Waves in Blush Rose

Laura Geller Baked Highlighter in Vanilla
Topshop Kohl Eyeliner
Benefit They're Real Mascara

Bourjois Colour Boost in 01 Red Sunrise

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Let me know in the comments or on twitter if you use any of these products on a daily basis and if you would like to see my everyday makeup look!

MissBeccaBeauty xo

Where else to find me:

You may also be interested in: You may also be interested in:

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Autumn 2013 Beauty Trends
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer
Lush Lip Scrub Review  by Merilinzz
Lush Lip Scrub Review by Merilinzz
 NOTD | Oh My That’s A Bright Orange!
NOTD | Oh My That’s A Bright Orange!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Autumn/Winter 2013 Beauty Trends

Hey Peeps,
I have never been one to change my style or look because of new seasonal trends but whilst doing my regular reading online I have come across a few trends that I am really excited about.  Non of these images are mine they are all images I have found online and there are lots of other trends this Autumn/Winter but these are just a few I have picked out to share with you
1. Sixties Cat Eye
One of my favourite eras in history is the 60's I love the music, style, hair and the makeup. So I am really excited that this look is on trend at the moment.

2. Luxurious Lashes
I do love a full eyelash look on my eyes, I think it adds so much to my face, without mascara my eyes seem really life less but as soon as I apply mascara my eyes light up and so does my face. I will be giving these lashes a go soon.
3. Glittery Eyes
This is the makeup trend I am most excited about. With party season just around the corner I think I will be trying out this trend. Although I think the glittery jewels looks great on the models, I think I will just stick to glitter shimmer :/

1.Vampy Crimson
It looks like the classic red nail has been left to the side this year as crimson red takes to the stage. This is such a festive colour that will look great this winter. Also it is still very classy with a  modern punk twist... funky!
2. Metallic
This is a colour I would never normally try on my nails, but I bought a metallic bronze nail polish the other day so I am interested to try it and share with you what I think.

3. Black is Back
Like before I have gone out and bought a black nail vanish because I have never trued black on my nails as I always thought I was too pale to wear it. But this wear I want to give it a go. Black can be a very versatile colour, casual in the daytime buy dressy at night.

I hope you have found this post useful and that it has given you an insight into what's hot this season. Let me know which is your favourite trend and which you will be trying out for your self!
MissBeccaBeauty xo 


Friday 20 September 2013

Lana Del Rey...


Hey Peeps,

It was only on Saturday, while spending 8 hours in the car driving to and from London, that I discovered my love for Lana Del Rey. Before then I hadn't really listened to her music much and always thought it was a bit boring. But on Saturday something about her album struck a chord in my heart and I feel like through her music I feel like I know her personally.  I am not kidding her voice is so enchanting and magical I have spent the last few days constantly listening to her music and I know all the words to the songs on her album, sad I know! Anyway here are 5 really interesting facts that I have found out about her:
1. Her real name is Lizzie Grant (Elizabeth Grant is her birth name), it was her fans that gave her the name Lana Del Rey. Personally I much prefer Lana Del Rey as it has more of an edge to it.
2. She is a Gemini like me!!!! She was born on June 21, 1986 in New York and went to a boarding school Connecticut.
3. Born to die is actually her second album, but first album as Lana Del Rey!
My favourite tracks from the album are
Summertime Sadness:
This is what makes us girls:
Blue Jeans:
I hope you have enjoyed this music post and I recommend checking out her music if you haven't already. If you have any music artists you would recommend then please let me know in the comments below!!

MissBeccaBeauty xo
Where else to find me:

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Wednesdays Word || Someday

Hey Peeps,
I have seen a lot of these 'quote' posts and thought I would dive in as well and I am going to call it Wednesdays Word. I am going to do this for 15 weeks which will bring us right up to Christmas (YAY who else is really excited for Christmas???). It all started when I joined Pinterest and discovered all the wonders of pinning quotes. A note of warning: Pinterest is very dangerous, it sucks you in like a vacuum and once you pin one image its like BAM, 2 whole hours go by and you didn't even realise it! Anyhoo onto today's quote...

For me this quote is really interesting. I can relate to it in many ways, big and small. For example on a daily basis I will sit at my desk and look at the work I have to do and the majority of it goes into the 'later' pile or in this case the 'someday' pile and it doesn't get done until the last minuet.  It is something I keep meaning to change but I will always pick to write a blog post over doing my geography homework. I know, I know it is bad but I love blogging. In the big scheme of things everybody says things like "someday I want to travel the world", "someday I will study hard and revise for my exams" or even "Someday I will start my healthy eating diet". If we keep saying someday it will never happen as there are seven days in the week but someday isn't one of them. I think this pushes us to start acting on our individual 'someday's' and start making them 'todays'. How are you going to achieve your wildest dream if the day you are going to do doesn't exist. I challenge you all , take someday out of your vocabulary and swap it with a real day in the week. You will see how much of an improvement it makes to your attitude and a vast improvement in the amount of work and things you are accomplishing. Give it a go, I challenge you!

I think this is a great start for my weekly Wednesday Words as it is something everyone can relate to and gives you a little taste of what is to come! Let me know if the comments if there are nay quotes or sayings you would like me to discuss.
MissBeccaBeauty xo


Where else to find me:

Monday 16 September 2013

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder | Review

Hey Peeps,
This is  a product for me that has truly become a little life saver. I have been 'uumming' and 'aaahhing' about buying this powder for ages, but whenever I would pick it up I would always seem to put it back down. But finally the other week I bought it and oh my golly gosh I am so glad I did!
It is a fab mattifying powder, which I use after applying my foundation and concealer. Rimmel claim that 'the powder has up to 5 hours natural shine control with natural minerals and helps minimise the appearance of pores'. I have to say I totally agree. I know I can put this on before school and I can feel confident that my makeup will last all day without getting oily, or my makeup moving off my face. What I love most about this powder is that it never feels cakey or heavy on my skin and when I wear it my makeup always look matte but very natural. This powder is really easy to blend and leaves a really smooth and silky texture on my skin.
The packaging of this product is really cheap and I am afraid that the lid will break or smash. Ideally I would love if it came with a mirror and a sponge pad so that if I wanted to put it in my handbag/school bag I wouldn't need to bring an additional brush and mirror.
The overall best thing about this powder is that it is really affordable. For £3.99 I will definitely be repurchasing this, as I can see it will become a staple in my makeup routine! Have you tried this powder? What are you views and opinions on it?
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Where else to find me:

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Saturday 14 September 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award

Hey Peeps,
A few weeks ago I was tagged by the ever so talented Merilinzz, I have mentioned her numerous times on my blog before and if you haven't already you should go and follow her blog!
What is it?
This is an award that we give to each other in order to share our favourite blogs on the blogsphere.
The rules are following:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you by adding a link to his/her blog
2. Write 7 facts about yourself
3. Nominate 15 bloggers and tell them in the comment of their blog
4. Include the logo and rules in your article
7 facts about me:
1. I love school!
2. I when I was younger I had a red birth mark in the centre of my forehead.
3. When I am older I want to go on a road trip around America
4. I read the Hunger Games Trilogy in about 1 week.
5. I admire people who wear funky colour eyeliner/shadow as I would never have the confidence to step out of the house wearing green eyeliner!
6. I have lived in 4 different houses
7. I am a bag-a-holic!
I Tag:
Given Me Wings
Life Is Worth The Fight
Bold In Ballerinas
Lost In Lipstick
Touch Of Crimson
Thanks again to Merilinzz!!
MissBeccaBeauty xo
Where else to find me:

Friday 13 September 2013

Lush Lip Scrub Review by Merilinzz

Sorry about estonian, since I'm from Estonia then everything is in that language, so, basically in English it says Be a blockbuster success and have them queuing for the sequel. Coconut oil, sugar and a buttery, caramel taste.

Hey there! I'm Merilin from Merilinzz :) Becca is letting me guest post on her blog today so lets get going :)

So a little more than a week ago I went to Lush and bought two things, one of them being this lip scrub. To be honest I only bought it for the smell, I wasn't in a need for a scrub at the moment but this caught my eye.

This product is made by Pawel
First of all, the major plus on Lush products is that they're cruelty free, it's great to know that no animals were harmed testing out the product that I'm rubbing on my lips!

I didn't expect it to wow me or anything, as I said, I only bought it for the delicious smell. But! after been using it for almost two weeks, right now my lips are so soft and moisturized. I'm the type of person whose lips are always chipped and painful, with this scrub (and my Burt's bees lip balm that i use after scrubbing) they're so much better. When I applied lipstick, I tended to get these junks on my lips that come from lips being chipped but now I don't get them anymore and I can't even describe how happy I am about it!

The consistency is basically sugar - that's the best way to describe it. The best part about using it is the way you get to take it off, yup, you can just lick it off! Who wouldn't want that, I have to admit, I tried bubble-gum flavour at the store too and it tasted a teeny bit better and it was pink. In some reason though I decided that smell was more important. For 7€ / £5 it's really a worthy purchase. It doesn't go fast at all, I recon it's going to last me for ages even though I use it more than once a day.
I will definitely be repurchasing it (probably in bubble-gum next time) as it really is such a good thing to have with you on a go or at home, whenever you feel like you could use a bit moisturizing on your lips. Plus you can eat it if you get too hungry ha-ha, but seriously, how many products do you know that you can just eat away once you're done! So let me know in the comments have your tried it and if yes then what did you think about it? :)

Also, don't forget to check out Becca's guest post over on my blog here and maybe even read further in the posts that I have made and I would really love if you would follow me on GFC and Bloglovin' once you're there ;) And thank you again, MissBeccaBeauty for letting me post here :)

Merilin xx