
Friday 31 May 2013

Garden Adventures

Hey Peeps,
Guess what... the sun made a brief, but appreciated, appearance today. So my sister and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and ventured outside into our garden. I spent a bit of time doing my Art homework, and then we played about of the trampoline together. Also we did a mini photo-shoot with my fab new camera. Here are some of the pictures that we took!!

I hope you like these photos that I took. How has your spring bank holiday been so far?? Has the weather been good?? I am beginning to feel a lot more summery now the weather is finally improving. It is actually starting to feel like summer.
MissBeccaBeauty xo

#31 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
Today's photo is 'something beautiful' and because the sun came out today, I thought it would take some pictures of the beautiful flowers that are in my garden!!! I am afraid I don't know the names of the flowers, but I do know that they are really pretty :)
As you may have guessed, today is the last Photo A Day May. So I am a little sad that it is over, but also really proud of myself for giving it a go. I am actually surprised that I managed to stick to it!! I thought I would have given up after a few days :) Next month (June , can you believe it!!) I am doing SprinkleofGlitter's 30 Day Snaps. I am really looking forward to giving it a go.
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Thursday 30 May 2013

My Birthday! & #30 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
So as most of you know already, it was my birthday yesterday (yay!!) I had a great time. We went to York Designer Outlet, there were loads of really posh shops that excited me, like Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Radley, Tommy Hilfiger, White Stuff and many more. I had a lovely family dinner at home, we had dough balls, paella and Ben and Jerry's ice-cream!!!!!! 
Here are some of my presents that I got and pictures of the day!

For my birthday, I got my fist bridge camera. This is great because it means the photos on my blog will be a lot better quality and I am really looking forward to using it in the future!!!!
MissBeccaBeauty xo


This is my May Photo A Day #30, my smiley personality!!


























Wednesday 29 May 2013

#29 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
So today it is my birthday and I am finally a teenager!!!
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Tuesday 28 May 2013

My Jar Of Happiness

Hey Peeps,
How is everyone's holiday going? It is my birthday tomorrow and I will officially become a real teenager!! A Cliché teenager is a usually a hormonal mess who only gives one syllable replies, has a bedroom the state of a pig sty and is always moody and grumpy. Yay, I have so much to look forward to :/ 
So I thought that to save my poor little soul from the joys of being a teenager, inspired by Gemma form Gemsmaquillage, I decided to create my own Jar Of Happiness. From 2013-2018. The idea is that you put little things or souvenirs that make you happy into the jar. So that when you are feeling upset, having a bad day or feeling sorry for yourself, you can open the jar and look at all the things that made you happy and all the nice things that have happened to you.
I would recommend everyone giving this ago, and you can start at anytime. It is a really good positive thing that can motivate you when you need a little motivation.
MissBeccaBeauty xo


#26 & #27 Photo A Day May

#27 Something Sweet

#28 The Weather Today  

Monday 27 May 2013

Chit Chat: Update

Hey Peeps,
So today is a glorious bank holiday Monday and I am so excited as this evening we are having our first barbecue of the summer!!! Yay!! Also I am having a friend round for a sleepover so I am super hyped :)
Anyway, the point of this post was just to say a huge thank you to all my lovely followers reading this. I now have a whopping 30 FOLLOWERS! That may not seem like a big number to you, but for me it makes me so happy that there are 30 people out there who want to take the time to read the little random things that I call 'blog posts' :). I appreciate every single one of my followers and I hope that you stick around for lots more fun in the future!
You may have heard but Google Followers is going to be shutting down (NNNOOOOOOOOOOO). I was so gutted because it means that my followers won't be able to follow me anymore :(  But then I had a thought ( yep, it did hurt :P) that I would link my blog to BlogLovin so that you can still read my blog. Here is a link to my Bloglovin
Also there is a massive 'Follow this blog on BlogLovin' sign on my blog, so if you click on that it will take you over to my BlogLovin page!
Please check it out and follow, it would mean the world to me if you did.
This month I have really enjoyed doing the Photo A Day May and I wanted to do something similar in June. SprinkleofGlitter has created something called 30 Day Snap. It is basically where you take one photo each day that represents something you have done that day! I think this will be really fun and I can be a lot more creative with my photos because I won't have a set list of Photos that I have to upload. If you want more info click here. I tag all my beautiful followers to have a go at this little 'challenge' and I am sure you will all have fun taking 30 snaps each day.

Also if you have any suggestion of blog posts or tags you would like me to have a go at, then please feel free to comment below or email me at
Thank you once again to everyone who reads my blog whether you have follow me or not!!
Bye for now,
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Sunday 26 May 2013

The Procratinating Blogger Tag

Hey Peeps,
Yay another tag!! I love doing tags as I think they are really fun and a great way for you to find out more about me!! I just want to say that I haven't been tagged to do this but thought I would give it a go anyway!
So, lets get cracking...
Name one beauty regime that you rarely do?
Exfoliating. I rarely do this, even though I have an amazing Liz Earle Exfoliator. I should really do this more often :/
Is washing your makeup brushes something you do regularly?
I would love to say yes, but I am afraid it is something I am really bad at. I know that I should do it more often but to be honest I always end up forgetting.
How long will you last with chipped nails?
Not very long, sometimes I will go a day if I am really busy. But normally I try to take it off straight away!!
How long will you put off buying/replacing a product, even if you need it?
If it is something essential that I use everyday then I repurchase it soon after I run out. But normally I am rubbish at repurchasing products that I have run out off.
What is your worst beauty habit?
I tend to peel of my nail polish, I know it is disgusting but I can't stand it when they are chipped so I peel it if I don't have any nail polish remover.

Name something non-beauty related you put off doing all the time.
 I have to confess I am very untidy and I am always putting off tidying my bedroom, which really annoys my mum... opps :/
When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready until the last minuet?
Well I normally start getting ready a long time before I have to leave, but 2 minuets before we leave I am running round like a head less chicken try to get organised.

Can you commit to spending bans?
To be honest I have tried because I know that I would just fail miserably...

How organised is your makeup and nail polish collection?
Considering that I am not a tidy person, my collection is surprisingly quote tidy and well organised. That's what I think, but anybody else might think it was a complete mess!!

I have really enjoyed doing this tag, and I tag anyone reading to give this a go!!

A Life With Sparkles

MissBeccaBeauty xo

#25 and #26 Photo A Day May

#25 Unusual
#26 12 O'clock

Hey Peeps,
Sorry for the late update!!!
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Friday 24 May 2013

#24 Photo A Day May

Hey Peep,
'Something New' Well this photo was easy for me. I saw these little beauties in the Co-Op the other day and I thought I HAVE to try them. They are very delicious and I would recommend buying them!!!

MissBeccaBeauty xo

P.S I am having a writers block and the moment, can you give me any blog posts you would like me to do? Thanks :D xoxo

Thursday 23 May 2013

#23 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
'Technology' Today I thought I would show you something that I have had my eye on for a while now and I am falling in love with the iPhone 4. It seems as if everyone is suddenly starting to have iPhones!!! Let me know what your favourite piece of technology is, or some tech that you would love to own :)
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Wednesday 22 May 2013

#22 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
'Pink' There were loads of picture I could have chosen to use today, but I haven't really included may beauty products in my photo a day's. So here is a gorgeous pink blusher, I-Blossom 01 pearl,  that I have been loving recently. I did mention it in my April's monthly favourites and I simply love it too much for it to only have one mention!

MissBeccaBeauty xo

Tuesday 21 May 2013

#21 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
Today's photo is 'where you stand'. I was struggling to think of a photo I could take to represent this, so instead I found a quote that was relevant and using Picmonkey I have made my own image of this quote!!
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Monday 20 May 2013

Liebster Award

Hey Peeps,
The wonderful Amy from Girl with a Camera has nominated me for the Liebster Award!! Yay :)
The Liebster Award
The Liebster award is for blogs with less than 200 followers.
The word Liebster is German and basically means 'sweetest', 'dearest', 'welcoming', 'endearing', 'kind' and 'lovely' etc..
I was nominated by Amy.
1. Each person nominated must list 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions left by your tagger.
3. Create your own 11 questions.
4. Tag up-to 11 people.
11 Facts About Me
1. I was born in Kent
2. My pet hate is when people don't use capital letters when they are supposed to.
3. I have no idea what I want to be, but I do know that I want to go to University.
4.I love making and decorating cupcakes but I don't really eat them :/
5. I am half Irish,half Lancastrian.
6. I am a huge seafood fan.
7. I get over stressed about school work
8. Christmas is my favourite time of the year
9. I play the French Horn, Piano and the Guitar
10. Taylor Swift is my Idol and I know all the words to all her songs
11. My guilty plea
Amy's Questions
Where would you like for your blog to take you?
I would like my blog to be something that inspires other people.
Who is your blogger idol/ inspiration?
Zoe (Zoella) and Louise (SprinkleofGlitter) these are amazing bloggers and I would definitely recommend you check out their blogs.
Who is your favourite YouTuber?
Wow, this is a really hard one for me to answer I love so many, but I think it would have to be between SprinkleofGlitter or PointlessBlog
Favourite colour?
What's your pet hate?
My pet hate is when people don't use capital letters when they are supposed to.
What's your hidden talent?
I can bend my index finger back so that it touches the back of my hand.
Where would you like your life to take you?
I would love to live in London!
Have you met anyone 'Famous?'
I have been within touching distance of the Pope before, if that counts
Flats or Heels?
Flats all the way, I don't really wear heels. I much prefer to wear wedges if I have to.
What's is your favourite thing about yourself?
I love my really thick hair, especially when I let it dry naturally and it goes all curly :)
Have you met any blogger friends?
I am afraid to say that I haven't,  but I would love to meet them :)
My Questions
What is your favourite quote from a book/film and why?
If you could be anyone famous for a day who would it be?
What is your favourite kind of blog post to write?
What was your first blog post about?
What is your favourite TV show?
Favourite music artist?
Blusher or Bronzer?
Jeans or a Dress?
What would your dream holiday be?
If you won £1000 would you spend it on Makeup, Clothes or Technology?
Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or some looks for intelligence?
A Life With Sparkles
What Rebecca Rose Knows
Touch Of Crimson
Scribbles Of Valerie
Jessica : Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty
Life is Worth the Fight
 Given Me Wings
Pretty Things
Busy Kissing Bees

Thank You once again to Amy for nominating me for this award!!!

MissBeccaBeauty xo




#18 #19 #20 Photo A Day May

#18 Something You Have Made
#19 A Favourite Place


#20 Something You Can't Live Without

Friday 17 May 2013

Revision, Revision and More Revision

Hey Peeps,
So it is that time of year again where everyone has exams :/ This week I have had 4 exams and I have some more next week. I find revising quite difficult and I easily get distracted. So I thought I would share with you my top tips for revising:

1.Organisation and Comfort
I work best when I am comfortable so I find the place where I am most comfortable. Also I make sure that my desk in neat and well organised. It is impossible for me to study when my desk in cluttered. I know this sounds silly but if I have a cluttered desk, I have a cluttered mind.

2.Less is More
I find that if I do a little bit of revision everyday, I tend to remember it a lot better. If I sit and revise for hours on end just before my exam I can never remember everything. But by doing a little everyday it sticks in my brain.

3. Colourful Cue Cards
I think cue cards are really important especially in languages. What is even better is if you have colour cue cards, I don't know why but colour makes it easier for the brain to remember the words. Also cue cards are great for languages because you can carry them around with you throughout the day and keep reading them just so that it stays in your mind.
4. Use Family and Friends
Ask people around you is they will test you on the key information you have learnt that day. I give them my revision notes and ask them to ask me a few questions, if I get them right it is really rewarding and makes you feel like you are making progress!
5. Treats :)
I think this is the most important because after a long days work of studying, you need to reward yourself. This could be going out with your friends after studying or having a sweet treat. I personally love a bit of chocolate at the end on my revision sessions!!
I hope this has helped anyone who is studying for exams at the moment. If you are I wish you good luck and just remember the best thing you can do is think positive, there is no point it getting yourself all worked up and stressed out!
MissBeccaBeauty xo

#17 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
'Snack' Who doesn't love a good snack. I was in Starbucks the other day and I ordered a yummy hot chocolate. I am not kidding, it was the nicest hot chocolate I have ever had :) I thought the love heart coco powder was so cute and I loved dipping my marshmallows into the drink, yum!!
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Thursday 16 May 2013

#16 Photo A Day May

Hey Peeps,
Today's photo is 'something you are reading'. I used to be a huge read-a-holic when I was younger and I would go through at least 2 books a week. But recently I don't read as much because I am either doing homework, out with my friends or surprise surprise... blogging :)
But the other day I started reading this book called Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. This book is a great read and I would recommend it to teenage girls!!
MissBeccaBeauty xo

Wednesday 15 May 2013

#15 May Photo A Day


  Hey Peeps,
'Love' well what can I say, there about a million pictures I could have chosen but I just picked 6 to show you and these are my favourite!!
 I am half way through this challenge now and I can't believe that I have managed to stick to it :D
MissBeccaBeauty xo